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What We Do

CMCS Houston is developing a range of study and research activities locally in Houston, nationally, and internationally.  Many of these activities are organized in collaboration with other centers of learning.  


Scholars and students meet on an equal footing of mutual respect and a commitment to seeking truth.  They study and compare each faith’s Scriptures to understand what they are saying and how it applies to mutual concerns and current issues.  Then they make that research available in Texas and beyond - to universities, seminaries, government, churches and mosques through seminars, workshops, and publications.






The Center’s Impact


The world needs educators and faith leaders who can speak to all people – regardless of their beliefs – with clarity, integrity, and respect.  The Center for Muslim and Christian Studies in Houston aims (as does its collaborating centers in Oxford, England and Accra, Ghana) to help fill this need by developing a vibrant community of scholars developing teaching and producing research, who are available as a resource to the Texas region.   


Our online teaching has a world-wide impact:


  • We have developed a suite of online courses and are now offering a 'Certificate in Muslim & Christian Studies'.


  • Courses have been attended by students and scholars in more than 20 countries, and are now offered for credit by 4 institutions in the Middle East, Africa and the USA.


Our research programs are also having international impact:


  • We collaborate with other institutions to invite Muslim and Christian scholars to give seminar series and special lectures that are open to both scholars and the general public.


  • Our 'Daniel, Islam, Apocalyptic' research initiative has attracted participants from, for example, Iran, Uzbekistan, Russia and Dubai as well as from different parts of the USA. 


  • Academic staff are available as a resource to area universities, to teach/mentor their students, and supervise research.



The Center’s impact multiplies by reaching current and future thought leaders who will in turn reach others who reach others, transforming relations between communities.  Houston is a crossroads of ideas and thought leaders who visit or stay for a time and move on, spreading the ideas gained in Houston across the country.

'Get Wisdom, Get understanding:  How study contributes to Christian-Muslim engagement'

An important paper by Ida Glaser

"I intend to continuously engage with the reading materials discussed during the course so as to be adequately prepared for career development in the field of Muslim-Christian dialogue.  I am also part of a team working on developing courses for the Akrofi-Christaller Institute (ACI): my experience with this course will be brought to bear in that direction."



        --Michael Nortey, Ghana


Whether you are an academic, a seminarian, a mosque member, church member, or none of those,

if you would like more information, someone from the Center would be glad to contact you to explain more about it.


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©2020 by the Center for Muslim and Christian Studies  Houston

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